Growing Virginia Bluebells Flowers
The bluebell can grow in any garden. The Virginia bluebell flowers are a really pretty light blue-purple. They actually start out pink when they are buds, and then bloom into the darker, richer hue. This is a beautiful flower to have growing in your garden or along the side of your house or garage. Fields of Virginia bluebells are wonderful nearby your home.
Virginia bluebells bloom in early to mid spring and will continue blooming through early to mid summer. This, of course, depends on its growing environment and how much rain we get. Too much rain and they don’t do too well. They need well-draining soil to prevent them from getting too much water.
Bluebells flowers will grow to a height of 18 to 24 inches tall, so they make a great naturalization plant for your yard in corners here and there, or even as a backdrop in your flowers garden behind the other plants. Their color goes well with other color with blue hues and even with magentas and reds.
When it comes to watering Virginia bluebells, you should always remember not to overwater. Put your finger in the soil to make sure the soil isn’t still wet from the last watering before watering once more. Too much water will definitely kill the plants.
The Virginia bluebells bloom well whether propagated by seed or by division. Seeds are reported to do better when you are growing the bluebell. You can plant the divisions in October, or you can wait until spring and plant divisions or seeds, preferably in March or April. This will give you a good start toward having your Virginia bluebells bloom come May.
The Virginia bluebell is very tolerant to different atmospheres. They do, however, insist on peaty, sandy soil. Once the plant is established, you do not want to disturb it. Otherwise, you could lose a season of flowering or even kill the plant. This means you should not cut anything off the plants. You should also not try transplanting them once you have them established somewhere and they are in bloom. Wait until fall or early winter when the plant is back to a somewhat dormant state. Then you can plant fields of Virginia bluebells with no trouble.